Tuesday 27 October 2015

Today is my dogs birthday. My dogs name is Frankie, it is a girl. Last night my mom told me that when Frankie was born the lady he took care of them told her that she had one ready for my mom and my mom was very exited she said to the lady, " I want the cutest one there is." And what did we get, my dog Frankie.

Tuesday 22 September 2015


My name is Jane Victoria Kendel. I'm going into 3rd grade in 1 day. I've always been considered one of the cool kids but this year I have a feeling that's going to change. My older sister is in middle school, her name is Sydney Kate Kendel. My older brother is in highschool, his name is Jackson Rian Kendel. I have a puppy named Puppet she is 4 months old we rescued her. My best friends name is Riley Emma VanMc. My other best friend is a boy. His name is Ian Gramer he is the brains of the group. He already knows ALL of his times tables. My teachers name is Mrs. Colinn she's, like, a hundred. I've always loved school, but it's kind of hard to love school and be cool at the same time. All my friends are in Mr. Lucifer's class. Do you know what that means? That means I'm on my own dude! I'm on my own! The only person I know in my class is Jane Lainebe AKA Guts, I made up this stupid little poem about her. Guts nuts luts (which is also the same letter as let's) leave me alone guts!

Thursday 4 December 2014

            I regret

Things happen when you have a best friend like me. Things especially happen when your best friends name is Ella Dangle who is no longer your best friend. And here is how that came to be:

              "Ella you know everyday I look forward to seeing you and having breakfast on the bus together and today you missed eating on the bus and now my day is a disappointment. All I need to ask is why you missed, I had to sit alone with Katie and she didn't speak a word so I was board out of my mind. Now, I think you owe me a huge explanation." I said. My name is Caroline by the way.
"My mom had work early today so she drove me to school. Early. I am truly sorry I missed, will you exept this apology?"she said to my face.
"Actually, ya wanna know something Ella, I don't except your apology, a tiny little mistake could ruin the friendship of 2 great friends. Ella do you know that friends don't keep on going forever and ever? And now" I took a big breath and she said, tears in her eyes,
" are,are you going to,to break our friendship because of my simply "can be fixed" mistake? Come on Caroline, you know I love you and you love me too, just like good old times. This can't be this way."
"Oh Ella Sophia Dangle, do you know that one simply made mistake can ruin a friendship? Obviously you didn't know that and now,-" I hesitated I never thought I would say something that is so life changing,"now you are no longer one of my best friends,in fact you are not even on my so very long list of well-" I felt burning hot tears going down my oh so very bumpy cheek."-friends" I walked away sad, slow, disappointed but also very proud and strong like I was the most determined person in that room that very moment;which I probably was. So today I lost something, something so inportant and loving to me I ran right into Johnny O'dumple, the worlds coolest kid, in my defense though, he was ugly and mean and nothing of my sort so I promised Ella and she promised me that we would not touch him, let alone talk to him but now Ella is not inportant in my life so I shouldn't listen to her. I am going to talk to him."Hi you don't know me but my name is Caroline Usuficitis but if it's easier for you, your welcome to call me Carol" I said in a gentle, soothing, cute voice.
"Hey, i'm hoping you know me as big guy on campus but if you don't i'm Johnny O'dumple and i would love it if i could know why you are suddenly talking to my face and making eye contact with me, no affence but if i don't know you, you shouldn't be speaking to me. boys lets go get lunch i hear the chicken wings are spicy!!" he said in a rude but attractive voice. My next goal was to make a new friend and now that Johnny O'dumple is off my list i'm happier then a sealion on a sunny day. I am so glad that i am making a goal to make new friends because in the past i never knew if i was going to be POPULAR... or not- Sophie Annadel is walking up to me also known as the most popular girl in my grade. "Hey, i heard you just broke a funky friendship with your complete BFF i would never do that ladies. Never, anyway since you and Ella were never the popular girls, WE want to give you a shot at it." I went completely blank, not knowing what to say,
"Uh, um, i don't know-" i was really unsure about this but it was on my list, so i slapped a smile on my face amd said, cheerfully," ladies i would be honored, so what do popular girls even do anyway?"
" for one thing, ya gotta know our names......"
"Oh, i know Sophie, oh and Annabella, oh and Kayla... Sorry thats it, thats all i know.
"For one thing you better call me Bella, Annabella is just, overated.
"Ya and also i'm Alexia, but everyone who knows my name calls me Lexi."
"Since your in our group now I know my name is Kayla but you call me..... K.K.!" I didn't even notice but there was another girl behind Bella.
"Thanks for telling me....." I said, "but who is that behind you Bella?"
"Oh this is Lola....."
"Hi! Sorry you couldn't see me but as you'll soon find out, I'm a little bit shy.... And Bella is my twin sister"
"Oh! I had no idea, how rude of me!" I said acting like I was shocked, (even though I wasn't)
"No worries, I was the one who forgot to introduce her."
"Hi I'm Lola I am so shy and I just feel most comfortable around  Bella because..... She's my twin sister and also I'm a year younger I'm in 3rd grade and I know what your thinking, "why am I in the popular group?" Well it's because of Bella."
"Alright then thanks girls!" I said in the popular girl voice. I really appreciated these girls taking me
in but I'm more worried about Ella then anything I wonder what her goals are from here on and I wonder if she's made friends too.......